• IUCN Status
    Endangered, They are at a very high risk of becoming extinct in the wild.
  • Population
    2,000 - 2,400
  • Diet
    Omnivore - eat leaves, flowers and insects. They can also eat fruit, herbs and small vertebrates
  • Group
  • Size
    39-46cm Length 1.4 ft (43 cm) in height
  • Continent
  • Lifespan
    Up to 15 years in wild 33 in Captivity
  • Weight
    2.2 - 3.5 kg
  • Habitat
    Dry forests and bush in Southern parts of Madagascar.
  • Scientific Name
    Lemur catta

Meet the Ring-Tailed Lemur


The ring tailed lemur is used as a symbol for Madagascar and for endangered animals on the island, because it's so well-known.

The ring tailed lemur's tail is the longest of any of the other many species of lemurs!  Male ring tailed lemurs put smells, from glands in their bottoms, on their tail and wave it at rivals. 

Latin name is catta because of their cat like looks. They spend a third of their time on the ground.



our conspiracy of ring tailed lemurs that live at Wolds Wildlife Park

Did you know?

Read our interesting facts below to learn more about ring tailed lemurs and their family groups called conspiracies.

How many different species of lemurs are there?up arrow

There are 111 known species of lemurs including the ring tailed lemurs that call Wolds Wildlife Park their home.

How do lemurs keep warm?down arrow

In order to keep warm and to reaffirm social bonds, groups will huddle together forming a ‘lemur ball’.

Do lemurs enjoy the sun?down arrow

Yes they do. 

Ring-tailed lemurs are known for their communal sunbathing, where they will sit upright in the 'lotus position’, exposing the thinner white fur on their underside to the sun.

What noise does a ring tailed lemur make?down arrow

Ring tailed lemurs make all kinds of vocalisations from wails to howls and purrs to chirps.

Are ring tailed lemurs monkeys?down arrow

It’s an easy mistake to think that lemurs are monkeys as they have many things in common.  Lemurs are ‘prosimians’ which literally means ‘before monkeys’.