Statement of Purpose
Wolds Wildlife Park (WWP) is committed to preventing & responding to risks of harm & & promoting the welfare of all who we work with eg: visitors, clients, sub-contractors etc. These individuals will be referred to as ‘beneficiaries’ throughout this policy.
We recognise the importance of this commitment to safety & welfare & furthermore are committed to safeguarding all beneficiaries without discrimination due to age, disability, race, religion, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity leave status, marriage or civil partnership status or sexual orientation.
This safeguarding policy is based on the safeguarding laws of England, Wales & Scotland including related guidance issued by the UK Government & relevant Government departments, agencies & public bodies.
WWP has implemented this safeguarding policy in order to meet it’s obligations as an organization involved with children and vulnerable adults.
Scope of this Safeguarding Policy
This policy explains key aspects of how WWP prevents harm in relation to it’s beneficiaries via it’s practices and it’s staff members conduct.
The policy covers the organization & operation of all WWP’s activities involving children & adults at risk, these primarily include providing days out for children & adults at our wildlife park.
This policy’s guidelines & obligations apply to all individuals working for or acting on behalf of WWP including senior managers, employees, casual workers & volunteers (collectively ‘staff members.).
Defining Safeguarding
‘Safeguarding’ is an umbrella term that refers to work (eg: practices & procedures) aimed at preventing or responding to harm or risks of harm posed to vulnerable individuals & at promoting these individual’s wider welfare. Safeguarding is particularly important for children & vulnerable adults.
The commitments & practices contained in this safeguarding policy apply to the safeguarding of WWP’s beneficiaries from harm caused by either:
- The activities & practices of WWP & any conduct of it’s staff members, or
- People & situations outside of WWP & it’s staff member’s control where WWP staff members are aware of, ought to be aware of, or reasonably suspect the risks posed by a situation.
For the purposes of this policy a ‘safeguarding concern’ is any conduct or situation that is known or reasonably suspected by a staff member or another party that risks violating the safeguarding commitments set out above.
Key Measures that WWP is Committed to Implementing & Maintaining to Safeguard Beneficiaries
Ensuring that staff members are trained & encouraged to report any safeguarding concerns that they identify (see procedures reporting below).
Ensuring that all staff members listen to all safeguarding-related queries & concerns with respect & professionalism.
Ensuring that all reported safeguarding concerns are dealt with by appropriate individuals or teams.
Implementing & maintaining comprehensive, accessible, fair & efficient procedures for staff members to use when reporting & dealing with safeguarding concerns. These procedures will be made known & easily accessible to all staff members.
Appointing WWP to hold responsibility for managing safeguarding policies & procedures within the organization.
Following appropriate recruitment processes & safeguarding training for all relevant staff members & volunteers. This includes DBS checks & adequate training.
Providing training in safeguarding issues for all relevant staff members including:
- How to define & identify potential signs of different types of abuse eg: physical, emotional, sexual etc.
- How to use WWP’s safeguarding reporting procedures
- How to listen & respond to safeguarding concerns
Regularly reviewing all safeguarding policies & procedures to ensure they are up to date with safeguarding law & that they remain suitable for WWP’s activities & workforce.
Staff Members Responsibilities
All staff members have a responsibility to promote the safety & wellbeing of all WWP beneficiaries.
All staff members must contribute to upholding the key measures that WWP has committed to taking to safeguard it’s beneficiaries. If a staff member is uncertain as to their duties, it is their responsibility to raise it with WWP.
Staff members must report all safeguarding concerns regardless of whether the concerns might relate to other staff members, parents, teachers or other members of the public.
Reporting Procedures
Staff members will receive safeguarding training that should enable them to identify potential concerns.
If a staff member identifies a safeguarding concern they should discreetly contact their line manager.
If a staff member feels unable to follow the above steps they should report their concern in a reasonable alternative manner.
Procedures: Investigation & Response
Staff members who report a safeguarding concern will be kept informed about the matter however in some sensitive cases matters may be kept confidential.
If a staff member is found to be in breach of this safeguarding policy they will be treated fairly & will only be dismissed if appropriate under the circumstances & in accordance with the law.
Supporting Documents
All of the policies & procedures set out above are available on request from WWP main office.