We started our park with a clear mission statement defined by values that we will always uphold. Those values are:
- Achieve excellence in animal husbandry and welfare
- Provide the public with an enjoyable experience
- Educate the public
- Assist with the conservation of wild animals by ex-situ and in-situ conservation methods
- To conduct research
- Raise funds and support conservation projects
Our animal husbandry and welfare has been praised by many zoological professionals – something that we’re very proud of and something that remains at the forefront of the way we work. The safety, happiness, health and comfort of our animals is our absolute priority – through this, we can provide our visitors with an enjoyable, educational experience as they view and interact with happy animals.
Research is a foundational part of running a successful wildlife park, and we’re always looking for ways to improve not just ourselves but conservation in general. Ex-situ conservation means conserving a species away from their natural habitat – our lynxes, leopards and lions, for example, are not native to our country but through our dedicated care, we help to protect and support the species. In-situ conservation is the opposite – we protect species that are native to our country right here in our park.